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Orcfax Explorer: Improving "Trust But Verify

An Explorer feature suite upgrade funded through the Catalyst F12 campaign.

This page will provide documentation pertaining to the execution of the proposal and links to each of the deliverables required for their respective Milestones. The full Catalyst proposal can be found here.

Problem statement

Users that rely on external oracle data to trigger their DeFi financial transactions need assurances that it can be trusted, but this information is difficult for a human to trace and read.

Proposed solution

The Orcfax Explorer allows users to “trust but verify” the oracle data that their Cardano dApps use. We will enhance it with visualizations, audit log downloads, real-time stats and incident reports.

Milestone 1

Orcfax will develop a dashboard page on the Orcfax Explorer that utilizes highly informative visualizations to aid users.

Milestone 2

Orcfax will develop a new feature for the Orcfax Explorer which allows users to download and read the audit log package for a given fact statement.

Milestone 3

Orcfax will develop a dashboard page on the Orcfax Explorer that displays information about Orcfax network activity in real time

Milestone 4

Orcfax will develop a new Orcfax Explorer feature which notifies users in the event of a network issue, and provides users with links to incident reports.

Final Milestone