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Available feeds


Current Exchange Rate feeds

Orcfax offers Current Exchange Rate (CER) feeds that publish statements regarding the current price of a given currency against another. This includes feeds such as ADA-USD and FACT-ADA.

For a feed of type CER, the naming convention is {{base-currency}}-{{quote-currency}}.


  • crypto-fiat: ADA-USD
  • crypto-stable: ADA-iUSD
  • crypto and another native asset: FACT-ADA

Feeds derived from CEXes

The price values published by these feeds are derived entirely from centralized exchange (CEX) data.

Fiat currency names follow ISO 4217 and Ordering follows forex convention where applicable. In other cases, such as for crypto base currencies, ordering defers to how the pairs appear on CEXes.

CEX showcase

In order to demonstrate the kinds of feeds derived from CEXes which integrators could utilize in their dApps, Orcfax is currently offering the following feeds as a showcase:

Feed nameStart DateEnd date*
ADA-BTCSep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
BTC-USDSep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA

*As these are showcase feeds, Orcfax makes no guarantees as to how long they will be offered in this capacity; integrators who would like to take advantage of these feeds or are interested in learning more about our services, please contact Vahid, our Chief Business Officer, via email or Discord.

Feeds derived from DEXes

The price values published through these feeds are derived entirely from decentralized exchange (DEX) data.

For these feeds, ordering defers to how pairs appear on DEXes.

DEX showcase

In order to demonstrate the kinds of feeds derived from DEXes which integrators could utilize in their dApps, Orcfax is currently offering the following feeds as a showcase:

Feed nameStart DateEnd date*
ADA-DJEDSep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
ADA-iUSDSep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
ADA-USDMSep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
AGIX-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
BOOK-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
BTN-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
CERRA-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
COPI-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
HOSKY-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
HUNT-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
INDY-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
LENFI-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
LQ-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
MIN-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
SHEN-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
SNEK-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA
WMT-ADASep 12th 2024 17:01:24 UTCTBA

*As these are showcase feeds, Orcfax makes no guarantees as to how long they will be offered in this capacity; integrators who would like to take advantage of these feeds or are interested in learning more about our services, please contact Vahid, our Chief Business Officer, via email or Discord.