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Phase 1 manual

More info to be provided as we approach this ITN phase.

Data collection for CEXes

During this phase, validators will begin decentralizing the collection function of the Orcfax Network.

Validators will initially run a limited suite of software responsible for the collection of data from centralized exchanges which have been identified as primary sources of information.

Validators will then participate in funneling that data to the Orcfax federated validator and publisher.

Hardware and infrastructure

During this phase of the ITN, the hardware requirements will be minimal to handle the tasks involved. Participants should expect to meet the following minimum requirements:

  • 2GB of RAM
  • A single CPU

Logging issues

ITN Phase 1 will use a GitHub repository to record issues. You can use this with a GitHub account if you have one.

You can also send issues to Orcfax via the support channels in Discord; Orcfax will then transpose them to the GitHub Issues for the benefit of the Orcfax community.

The issues can be found here.


The measurable participation of operators, including via GitHub, is one way in which the health of the Orcfax network will be made apparent to integrators, which will be critical to the network's ability to attract and generate revenue.

Aliasing your signing key

Before you continue, you will need to alias your signing key by following the guide here.

Software and setup

There are three components needed for Phase 1 of the ITN. You will need the latest versions of each.


There needs to be some flexibility in the versions of software being run on a decentralized network.

That being said, Orcfax will coordinate with ITN participants to provide them the most up to date information about maintaining their setup and if versions can or need to be upgraded. This page will also be added to as required.

Collector node

The latest release of the collector node needs to be installed in a Python virtual environment and will be configured to run via cron.

Installing in a virtual environment

Assume we download the Python Wheel (*.whl) collector_node-2.0.0a11-py3-none-any.whl. The software can be installed with:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install collector_node-2.0.0a11-py3-none-any.whl

Take the time to look through the different repositories and their README files to fully understand the software you're running as part of the Orcfax Network.

CEX collector (gofer)

Gofer was originally published by Chronicle-Labs and has been modified to publish data according to Orcfax's data standard.

There are multiple releases available, it is likely you will want the gofer_0.4.0_Linux_x86_64 release. When you download this you will need to give it executable permissions, i.e. chmod +x /path/to/gofer.


A node-identity file will need to be created. The quickest way to do this is to run gofer standalone:

./gofer data ADA/USD -o orcfax

You can prettify this data using tools such as jq, e.g. with the command:

./gofer data ADA/USD -o orcfax | jq

The identity file will be output to /tmp/.node-identity.json and will be referenced in the cron job described below.


cer-feeds.json is used by Orcfax to coordinate publication. It contains a list of CEX and DEX feeds that we publish. DEX publication will not be triggered in Phase 1.

cer-feeds.json will be provided to the collector as a command line argument. It can be downloaded from GitHub.

The latest feeds for the preview network can be downloaded from this link, or alternatviely on the command line using a tool like wget.


Signing key

Information has been provided about the signing key and signing key aliasing protocol which you should have already done. For completeness, the process is as follows:

  1. Create a new verification (vkey) and signing (skey) key pair:
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file payment.vkey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey
  1. Build the new payment address:
cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
--out-file payment.addr \
  1. Calculate the vkey hash:
cardano-cli address key-hash \
--payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
--out-file payment.hash

You will use a path to your payment.skey in the environment variables and the cron job described below.

Directory layout

There are different ways to organize the collector code. Orcfax uses a number of directories internally, e.g. for the collector, gofer, and signing-key.

├── collector
│   └── venv
├── gofer/
└── gofer
├── signing-key
└── payment.skey

These could all be in one directory, e.g.

└── collector
├── gofer
├── payment.skey
└── venv

And they will be pointed at in the cron job described below. The contents of the payment.hash file will be used to alias the wallet in which you hold the Orcfax Validator License.

Environment variables

When configuring the Orcfax collector node you will need a set of environment variables, these are:

# example layout for a .env file.

## variables used in ITN Phase 1.
export GOFER=

# variables not used in ITN Phase 1 but cannot be null.
export CNT_DB_NAME=/var/tmp/notused.db
export OGMIOS_URL=ws://

If you run the Orcfax collector standalone, e.g. to get a feel for how it works you can set these before hand. You can store them in an environment file, e.g. node.env and on the command line run:

source node.env

The variables will only remain in-scope in a given session window. They will need to be set each time you run the collector-node in a different command-line window. For the cron task (below) we set them within the scope of a cron job.

Configuring unused variables

Because ITN Phase 1 collectors do not yet collect CNT prices there are some excess configuration values that need to be set, but remain unused.

For ogmios, we can just use a non-existent url, e.g.

export OGMIOS_URL=ws://

For the database, we need to point to a path that does exist, but we can do this using touch as follows:

touch /var/tmp/notused.db

We can then set the path as follows:

export CNT_DB_NAME=/var/tmp/notused.db

/var/tmp is a good location to use for this value as it won't delete itself when a node is rebooted.


While the settings in this document are required, their implementation here are largely informational. The more advanced you are at configuring nix-based systems, the more you may want to customise what you are doing. If you believe your optimisations will be beneficial to someone else, please do feel free to share in Discord or in GitHub discussions.


Cron is used to schedule collection. The collector uses a number of environment variables, and can be configured inside the cron runner. Cron is configured to ask for data every minute. The config look as follows:


* * * * * /path/to/collector-node --feeds /path/to/cer-feeds.json 2>&1 | logger -t orcfax_collector

An example that assumes an user called orcfax with a virtual environment configured to run the Python-based code:


* * * * * /home/orcfax/collector/venv/bin/collector-node --feeds /home/orcfax/collector/cer-feeds.json 2>&1 | logger -t orcfax_collector

Monitoring logs

Logs can be monitored with the command:

sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep "orcfax_collector

Not every log message is important for users of the ITN. Output needs to be read and understood critically. Primarily, we need to use the output if collection halts entirely (not partially) although some output might be interesting to observe and learn from.