A description of the types/properties relevant to a
Orcfax utilizes the following types and properties in its Message records. The description provided by follows each; if Orcfax maintains a more nuanced understanding, an additional definition will be provided. If the term appears in its own definition, it will be replaced when possible with a [synonym] in order to aid understanding. Types
Type | description | Orcfax description |
MediaObject | An object such as an image, video, audio, or text object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset. | |
Message | A single message from a sender to one or more organizations or people. | Information from a sender to one or more entities. | Properties
Property | Type | description | Orcfax definition |
additionalType | MediaObject | Used to add more specific types from external vocabularies when a equivalent is not available. | |
dateReceived | Message | The date/time the message was received if a single recipient exists. | |
description | MediaObject | A description of the item. | |
encoding | Message | A media object that encodes this CreativeWork . | |
identifier | Message | Used to represent any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. | |
isBasedOn | Message | A resource from which this work is derived or from which it is a modification or adaptation. | |
messageAttachment | Message | A CreativeWork attached to the message. | |
name | MediaObject, Message | The name of the item. | |
recipient | Message | The participant who is at the receiving end of the action. | |
sender | Message | The participant who is at the sending end of the action. | |
text | Message | The textual content of this CreativeWork |
Message example
"@context": "",
"type": "Message",
"name": "FACT-ADA",
"isBasedOn": {
"@type": "MediaObject",
"name": "Exchange data",
"additionalType": "Decentralized Exchange Data",
"description": "the on-chain liquidity pool data from a decentralized exchange (DEX) as read by an Orcfax collector-node"
"sender": "urn:cardano:address:minswap:addr1z8snz7c4974vzdpxu65ruphl3zjdvtxw8strf2c2tmqnxzv3ypnc5g2ndrjke3lhpad6krx2r9d2ghrlguw9mv4453vqgekewd",
"recipient": "MinSwap-cnt-collector-node/0.0.1a7",
"identifier": "urn:orcfax:92b4eb30-4629-4fbe-9266-716402582939",
"dateReceived": "2024-08-28T16:19:06Z",
"messageAttachment": {
"encoding": "application/json;base64",
"text": "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"